Mobility Package 1 is in force and the social provisions on driving times and rest conditions of drivers have been applying since 20 August 2020.

We prepared the following first set of Questions and Answers to address most pressing implementation questions raised by the sector. This will be gradually complemented by further questions and answers on the other provisions of Mobility Package 1, where necessary.

It should serve as the guide for drivers, road transport operators and enforcers to ensure that the rules are applied and controlled in a harmonized manner throughout the EU.

european parliament strasbourg

Europan Transport Operators ‘Hurry up with that Mobility Package!’

Eight European transport organizations want the European Parliament to finally decide on essential parts of the Mobility Package. This must be done before the European elections in May.

The letter to the European Parliament was signed by Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL – Germany), Fédération Nationale des Transports Routiers (FNTR – France), Nordic Logistic Association (NLA – Scandinavia), SKAL (Finnish Transport and Logistics – Finland), ALT (Finnish Employers’ Federation of Road Transport – Finland), Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies (SÅ – Sweden), Norwegian Road Transport Association (NLF – Norway) and Danish Transport and Logistics (DTL – Denmark.) Read more

MEPs adopt revised rules for road haulage operations in another EU country

EU Parliament
EU Parliament

New provisions to tackle letterbox companies, improve enforcement of cabotage rules and prevent fraud in road transport were adopted by the Transport Committee on Thursday 10 Jan 2019.

MEPs want companies to be entitled to make deliveries within another EU country for three days after a cross-border delivery to improve enforceability and help avoid “empty runs” of trucks. Current legislation allows for three operations within seven days.

To prevent systemic cabotage, after this period, trucks will not be permitted to carry out new cabotage operations in the same country within two and a half days after they return to their country of establishment.

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MEPs return mobility package proposals to committee for further consideration

heavy traffic moving at speed on the motorway

MEPs rejected proposed amendments to the “Mobility Package” road haulage reform proposals and referred them back to the Transport Committee for reconsideration.

In a vote on Wednesday (04 July 2018), the Full House rejected Transport Committee amendments to the proposals on updating drivers’ rest time rules, cabotage and posting of drivers and referred them back to the committee for further consideration, in accordance with Rule 59(4) of Parliament’s rules of procedure.

The proposals on the posting of drivers, drivers’ rest periods and access to the occupation of road transport operator and to the road haulage market are part of the “Mobility Package” tabled by the EU Commission in May 2017.

(source: News European Parliment)

EU Mobility Package 1, 2, 3: Introduction

The European commercial road transport sector employs nearly 11 million people directly, about 5% of total EU employment. Road transport accounts for nearly half of all freight transport operations. Passenger transport is expected to grow by 42% by 2050 and freight transport by more than 60% in the same period. The passenger and freight road […]

European Parliament Transport Committee (TRAN) agrees on mobility package

camera european parliament strasbourg

More flexible rest regulations for truck drivers and further liberalization of cabotage. These are the two most important changes that the European Parliament is expected to approve.

The Transport Committee of the European Parliament (TRAN) agreed on Monday on new rules for the working conditions of truck drivers. It concerns the reform proposals of the European Commission within the framework of the first mobility package. EU rules on posted workers based on the principle of equal pay for equal work should apply to cabotage journeys, as approved. For drivers delivering goods to another Member State, the same rules should apply as for drivers in the host country. Read more

Mobility Package 3: Greater uptake of new technologies will support more efficient, greener and safer road transport




We welcome the publication of the last part of the European Commission’s Mobility Package. The new legislative proposals on CO2 standards for Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs), road safety and the digitalisation of freight transport documents are a welcome push for the further modernisation of the EU road transport industry.

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MEP backs customised rules for bus and coach

MEP backs customised rules for bus and coach

MEP Isabella De Monte championed the passenger transport aspects of the EU Mobility Package at a breakfast meeting in Brussels this week, in the run-up to first European Parliament votes next month.

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MEPs get up close to industry’s safe and secure parking needs

MEPs get up close to industry’s safe and secure parking needs

Members of the European Parliament get the first-hand experience of an overnight stay in a truck with the benefits of safe and secure parking, in the run-up to the vote on the Mobility Package.

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Netherlands also wants a ban 45 hours of rest in cabin



The House of Representatives wants the government to ban the compulsory 45-hour rest in the cabin. Inconvenience and insecurity in parking places must also be prevented. A motion of Labour Party (Netherlands) member of parliament of Gijs van Dijk was passed on. Read more