Electric milk truck in operation
The Swiss electric truck builder Designwerk has put a new truck with a milk collection body on its wheels.
The so-called Mid Cab Tanker 6x2R 510E, based on a Volvo FM 6×2 chassis, is equipped with 510 kWh batteries, which should enable a range of 250 to 300 kilometers. The bright yellow electric truck with shiny silver milk tanks runs on electricity and its body is powered by whisper-quiet electricity.
CO2 savings through the use of the Designwerk e-truck to around 93 tons. The calculation is based on the daily distance of around 330 kilometres, which adds to an annual mileage of approximately 120,000 kilometres.
The Zgraggen transport company, however, also has other Designwerk electric trucks in its fleet, specifically two High Cab Semi 6x2T tractor units, each with 900 kWh battery capacity. The electricity for this comes from the company’s solar power systems.